
Trashy Secret Santa gifts

Looking for last-minute Secret Santa gifts? Don't worry, we've put together a selection of ideas for you.

Lena Ötzmann
Lena Ötzmann

You either love it or you hate it - we're talking about Secret Santa. You've almost certainly all received a trashy Secret Santa gift at some point, or even given one yourself. The team at staffitpro also has its own experiences with good - or rather less good - Secret Santa gifts. You can find out which tips (or anti-tips?) we can recommend to you here in this blog article.

There are such and such - people who completely frown upon junk and joke articles and those for whom it can't be "trashy" enough. If you believe our colleague Marcel Schmidt, then a Secret Santa gift has to bring one thing above all else: A good dose of humor and fun. And his ideas have it all: he amuses everyone in our office every day with his colorful comic socks. What's more, he always has a funny saying on his lips.

Marcel has often made people laugh at Christmas time too - among other things with his gift selection. So it's only logical that his Secret Santa tips are quite something.

Here is an overview of his funniest recommendations:

Campfire scented candle: With a scented candle that smells like a campfire, you can certainly give some people a little treat. It costs less than €20 and packs the nostalgic smell of fresh, burning wood into a practical candle - the next campfire to go, if you like. It's also great for setting the mood at Christmas, New Year's Eve and the like! The place is on fire - in the truest sense of the word.

Dancing, singing cactus: A great idea for young and old - a little dancing cactus. It can do much more than just dance and look cute. Thanks to the recording function, the cactus picks up sounds from its surroundings and can play them back. And for around €20, you get a real all-rounder that will make even the grimmest of recipients smile.

Food soda: To ensure that the gourmet Secret Santa partners don't go away empty-handed, Marcel Schmidt recommends "Food Soda" - soda that, you guessed it, tastes like popular dishes from all over the world. Send your friends, family members or colleagues on a culinary journey of discovery, for example with the flavors "bacon", "chicken wing" or "sweet corn". For around €6 per bottle, it's also easy on your wallet. And we can tell you from our own experience: The surprised look on your face after the first sip is priceless!

With these tips, you are guaranteed to be prepared for the next (trashy) Secret Santa and shine with your creative gift ideas. Let us know how the gifts go down with your loved ones - we'd love to hear your feedback. Until the next blog article!

Lena Ötzmann
Lena Ötzmann
Werkstudentin Marketing

Lena is our busy marketing colleague. When she’s not actively supporting us, she’s studying business administration. She loves writing and getting to the bottom of things.

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Lena Ötzmann

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