
Write it pro

How great that you are here! Welcome to our blog. You have come to exactly the right place, as you will always be well informed here. This is where our authors write about trends in the recruiting industry, the latest developments in artificial intelligence and digitalization, share their professional perspectives with you, offer their personal opinions and, of course, keep you in the loop about our events and product innovations. We hope you enjoy the read!



What you should know about ChatGPT and what staffitpro has to do with it, you will learn exclusively in our new blog post.

Lena Ötzmann
Lena Ötzmann

Friday Fun

Our team atmosphere is definitely great. Dynamic, innovation-driven and always up for a joke among themselves.

Lena Ötzmann
Lena Ötzmann
sipontour sipinsights

Review AWS re:Invent

Our colleague Marcel Schmidt attended AWS re:Invent, a trade show in Las Vegas, for you in November 2022.

Lena Ötzmann
Lena Ötzmann

Strong partnership with AWS

We’ve been working with AWS for 16 years. In this post, we introduce you to our partner a little more.

Lena Ötzmann
Lena Ötzmann

Warning because of Google Fonts

Widespread “Google Fonts” scam causes uproar in the Internet world and scammed sums in six figures.

Marcel Termöllen
Marcel Termöllen

Year in review 2022

2022 is coming to an end and 2023 is just around the corner!

Lena Ötzmann
Lena Ötzmann

Our team: Lena Oetzmann

Here we give you the opportunity to get to know our staff a little better. Today: Lena - Supporter in Marketing.

Lena Ötzmann
Lena Ötzmann

Our team: Nicolas Motzel

Here we give you the opportunity to get to know our employees a little better. Today: Nic - Supporter in Marketing.


AI as support

With all the developments around AI and automation, it is enormously important for us not to lose sight of human beings.

Marcel Termöllen
Marcel Termöllen

Rebranding Event

Only a small circle knew what was going on behind the scenes: our rebranding.

Marcel Termöllen
Marcel Termöllen

AWS Summit 2022

This year’s AWS Summit was all about cloud computing. We were there and took away many exciting facts.

Marcel Termöllen
Marcel Termöllen

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New smart functions, a further simplification for your daily work, an optimized process: We are constantly developing staffitpro further. Receive news and highlights by e-mail!

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+49 611 262486 40
Mo.-Fr. 08:30 - 17:30 Uhr

Vanessa Termöllen
Vanessa Termöllen Manager of Sales

+49 611 262486 80
Mo.-Fr. 08:30 - 17:30 Uhr

Marcel Termöllen
Marcel Termöllen Managing Director